We have all seen images of dead sea birds with their stomachs full of straws and bottle caps. Or a turtle entangled by a plastic wrapping. According to IUCN, at least 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans annually. Redusing single-use plastics is not enough: the fishing industry needs to drastically change too. What you can do? Stop eating fish. The documentary Seaspiracy explains why.
- Industrial fishing has wiped out 90% of the world’s large fish.
- 70% of macro plastic at sea comes from fishing gear.
- Plastic straws only comprise 0.03% of plastic entering the ocean.
These are three of many claims made in Seaspiracy. The documentary depicts the fishing industry’s impact on our oceans and marine life. I am shocked!
Seaspiracy is causing a lot of debate. Some people say the statistics are false or outdated. I am not a journalist or fact-checker myself. But I recommend you to watch this documentary. Even if some statistics are exaggerated or wrongly estimated, you still get an idea of the problem. And it provides solutions what you can do as consumer to make a change. Numer one: stop eating fish!
Film director Ali Tabrizi also states that a global campaign to ban the use of plastic straws “was like trying to save the Amazon rainforest and stop logging by boycotting toothpicks”. We acknowledge that plastic straws and other single-use plastics is only one part of the problem.
The fishing industry needs to drastically change its methods to catch fish. Sustainable labels like MSC or ASC need to examined. And we as consumers should cut down our fish intake. Many communities still depend on fishing for their livelihoods. Or for food. Therefore, we need to make a transition.
Still, we think refusing and reducing single-use plastics remains equally important. To save our marine life and precious resources. So we as Refill Ambassadors will keep raising awareness. For example where to find public fountains.

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