Did you know that refill can start from home?
Some parts of the world are still going through lockdowns ue to COVID-19. Wherever you are, we encourage you to stay safe at home as much as possible. But if you ever need to go out or when things get back to normal, we’d love to remind you of the many alternatives to single-use!

It’s not only about refilling your water bottle but about all other things you can refill and reuse especially when going for groceries. There are many home delivery services that now provide refills too! Or if you go out for a take-away, bring your boxes, go for a walk and pick it up on the way home.
Together with other initiatives around the world – including RefillMyBottle, refillnz, mudfishnoplastic, ThantMM, RefillTheYangon and waterid_ – we remind you that #RefillStartsFromHome.

Let’s be an inspiration to others and share with us how you are living the #refillution at home! Please share your number one refill tip – how to refill starts from home – in the comment below.