We dream of a world where refilling is the norm. A world without single-use plastics. A world not addicted to consumption. But we cannot achieve this alone. We need more people to stop buying single-use plastics and other unnecesary products. Together we can change our environment.
- Always carry a reusable bottle with you (your Best Bottle Forever, or BBF). Even better: carry your own reusable cup, food box and cutlery too.
- Look out for places where you can refill your bottle. Use one of the Refill Apps or ask around at your accommodation, in restaurants and bars. Found a spot? Great! Bring your empty bottle and your smile, and start refilling.
- Spread the word. Inspire others to refill and bring their own bottles, cups and more. Guide people to the nearest refill station. You can even ask businesses to become a refill station.
- Refuse straws, plastic bags and other stuff you don’t need. Maybe you want to take it a step further and reduce more single-use plastics? Check out some useful plastic free guides.

- Do you want to establish a water refill station in your hotel, restaurant, bar or shop? And do you have publicly accessible tap (providing safe tap water)? You can change the stream of plastic bottles at its source, starting with a single refill station. You may benefit from increased exposure as a result.
- Any doubts how to start? We can help you with free advice. Contact us.
- Why sign up as a refill station? Read the story of eteaket.
- Make sure people know your refill station exists. Add a window sticker, create posters and tell your customers about the refill station.
- Use the Refill free materials
- Print the RefillMyBottle sticker
- Add your refill station to one or multiple refill apps. We recommend you to use Refill, Closca, mymizu and/or RefillMyBottle. For more details, please read our blog.
- Take the next step: in addition to water bottles, invite customers to bring their own reusable food containers, coffee cups and jars!

Refill Ambassadors is a non-profit organisation. All help is appreciated! As an individual or organisation, you can support us financially or with in-kind services. For example:
- Make graphics or videos
- Share our updates within your network
We are happy to discuss possibilities with you. Please get in touch.
We welcome guest writers to contribute to our platform. Please send us your proposal by mail. Videoblogs are also possible. Here are some guidelines:
- We do not accept sponsored posts or hidden advertisements
- The topic has to fit within our scope
- Maximum 1 A4 page written text
- Personal experiences are nice to share!
- Use your own graphics or make sure to add images without copyright
- Add a tiny bio/profile description
We’ll do a content review and make small adjustments for better SEO results.
Refill Ambassadors is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We collaborate with people all over the world. We are looking for all kind of experts or beginners that share our mission, want to have fun, and dare to fail. About us.